Tuesday, April 10, 2012


With a fresh coat of bottom paint applied on Sunday, I was ready to go. Dropped the launch form at the marina office first thing yesterday but with needing to wait for the tide and the wind coming up at the same time, Matt decided today would be a better day. So as promised, LIQUIDITY was launched at about noon today and is floating happily in slip I-20 at Marina Bay.

There's work to do but the first task today was to introduce Bear to the boat. He hopped right aboard, sniffed the perimeter of the cockpit for a bit and then followed me below. He handled the companionway ladder quite well for a first try and was comfortable enough to take a nap. We need some work on getting UP the companionway ladder!

Did I mention that my 35 year old Volvo MD7A started right up after its Winter rest? Quite amazing, actually; it fired up on the first compression.