Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's always fun...

... when one of my Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association buddies calls and tells me that he'll be in Boston and asks if we can we get together for a drink. The latest, coming from Canada, has a son living in Boston.

Having never met is of no consequence. We've been corresponding on the Cape Dory message board for years, if not directly, then indirectly as we each read the others' postings. I've never been disappointed with a face to face meeting.

He'll be here in two weeks. If the weather cooperates, the plan is to take the cover off the boat, an easier exercise with two of us, grab a sandwich, crawl on board, have lunch and a beer or two and call it a day.

Pray for warm and sunny. (I did ask my former Rabbi, in fact, if there was a prayer for good weather. "Absolutely," he assured me, although he did add, "Of course, it doesn't work." Oh well. We'll do the best we can, rain or shine, warm or otherwise.

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